Speak Up Colorado College

Colorado College has partnered with Convercent/OneTrust 开发匿名举报平台“为科罗拉多大学发声”. Speak Up Colorado College是我们的24小时报告系统,您可以匿名提交您的担忧或提出问题.

学院努力为学生提供一个安全、健康的氛围, staff, faculty, vendors, and visitors alike. 赌博正规的十大网站希望每个员工和学生都有一个可靠和匿名的沟通工具来报告他们的担忧, and violations of Colorado College policies, or ask a question in a timely manner.

The Speak Up Colorado College platform is an enhancement, not a replacement of our current policies and procedures. 请继续使用学院内现有的渠道报告您的担忧或提出问题, whether that be with the three Deans’ Offices, the Office of Civil Rights, the Office of Human Resources, or the Office of the President.

Speak Up Colorado College maintains anonymity for all reporters; however, 该平台不是有关歧视或骚扰问题的保密资源. 通过该平台报告的任何有关骚扰或歧视的问题都将转交给民权办公室和第九条. 大声说出来赌博正规的十大网站是歧视和骚扰的强制记者.

To make a report at any time, go to  畅所欲言科罗拉多大学报告关注平台.com)  or call toll free 1-800-461-9330.

有关该平台的问题,请与Ombuds的Ty Nagamatsu联系 tnagamatsu@lunchpenny.com or (719) 389-6110

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a third-party anonymous reporting resource?

最有弹性的组织培养了一种基于道德价值观的文化——在这种文化中,每个人都觉得自己有权利畅所欲言, share their perspectives, ask challenging questions, 并提出与组织价值观相冲突的担忧,而不必担心遭到报复. OneTrust道德与合规云为员工和学生营造了一个开放、安全的环境, maximizing insights into the health of the college’s culture, so leaders can act decisively upon areas of risk. 这一切都是在保护提出担忧的个人的同时进行的.

Who has CC contracted with?

OneTrust Ethics(前身为Convercent)是“信任情报”领域的市场领导者.OneTrust总部设在亚特兰大,在澳大利亚设有办事处, Brazil, Canada, France, Germany, the U.K., and the U.S. OneTrust employs over 2,500 people.

How did the college choose OneTrust?

在大学领导层(内阁和董事会)批准修订道德行为准则和利益冲突政策后,增加了匿名举报资源, a small team led by Lyrae Williams, 负责机构规划和效率的副总裁, reviewed several vendor platforms and choose OneTrust.  审查小组包括联邦选举委员会和工作人员理事会的代表以及Tashana Taylor, 第九条协调员兼民权事务助理副总裁.

What kind of concerns can be reported?


  • Misuse of CC assets (facilities, equipment, furniture, supplies, software, trademarks, and copyrighted materials)
  • Misuse of CC funds (operating funds, grants and contracts, gift and endowments, CC’s purchasing card)
  • Misuse of confidential information held by the college (ex. information on students, faculty, staff, trustees, donors, and volunteers) that is protected data under the law (state, federal, and EU’s GDPR) as well as by college policies.
  • 违反《全球十大赌博靠谱平台》和《赌博正规的十大网站》所规定的赠与和收受礼品的行为
  • 根据《全球十大赌博靠谱平台》和《赌博正规的十大网站》或任何其他政策提出问题,遭到学院任何成员的报复
  • 歧视或骚扰,包括违反第九条和第七条
  • 违反任何学院政策或手册(教职员工和学生)的规章制度

Can I ask questions about processes, policies, or anything on the platform, without reporting a concern?

Yes. Questions can be submitted anonymously through the platform.

What happens when I report a concern or submit a question?

当通过在线门户网站提交问题或关注时, text messaging, or phone, 学院的授权成员将收到来自门户网站的电子邮件,告知新项目已提交. Using SSB, 授权的成员将登录到门户并查看已提交的关注或问题. 如果问题或关注的主题与歧视有关, harassment, or sexual misconduct, the Office of Civil Rights and Title IX will manage the inquiry. 所有其他提交的材料将首先由Ty Nagamatsu, College Ombuds进行审查.  Depending on the topic of the inquiry, 监察员可以在校长办公室内处理,也可以将调查转交给院长办公室, Finance & Administration, or the Office of Human Resources.


Ty Nagamatsu, College Ombuds.

How can I submit a concern or ask a question?

There are three ways to submit a concern or ask a question. 

  1. Call the helpline: 1-800-461-9330
  2. Go to the website
  3. Send a text: 1-719-249-7052


当通过在线门户网站或电话提交问题或关注时, 提交问题或担忧的人将获得一个案例代码,并被要求创建一个密码,以便他们可以在线查看状态.

What if I lose my case number or log-in information? 

If someone has lost access to their case, 他们可以呼叫呼叫中心,并向代理提供他们在提交报告时最初设置的安全问题的答案. The call center number is (800) 461-9330.

我怎样才能知道提交关注后会发生什么?  我能知道学院的调查结果吗? 

当一个问题或关注被提交时,该人员可以检查查询的状态. Statuses can include – new, in review and closed.  当一个关注被关闭时,提交关注的人将不知道调查的结果.  Outcomes are confidential.  


如果接到传票,Convercent/OneTrust会通知学校,让他们参与进来. 如果法院下令,Convercent/OneTrust有信息(例如, 记者选择对学院保持匿名,但对OneTrust没有。), they would have to turn it over. 如果报告者对组织和OneTrust都是匿名的, 他们不具备提取IP地址或任何共享信息的技术能力,因为他们无法根据系统限制跟踪匿名记者.

Report an issue - Last updated: 02/08/2024